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Duan Yuwan

  • Vice Dean, Associate Professor

Yuwan Duan

1#Shahe, ShunshaLu,Changping District,100081, Beijing, P.R.China


Current Position

Association Professor,Deputy Dean,School of International Trade and Economics,Central University of Finance and Economics; Selected inNational Youth TalentProgram (2023).

Research Area:

International Trade,Trade and Environment,Global Value Chain,Spatial Economics, Quantitative Trademodel.


2012.09-2014.04:Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

2008.08-2014.07:Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences(Ph.D)

2004.09-2008.06:School of Mathematics and Statistics, Wuhan University, China (B.S)

English Publication

1.Duan, Y.; Ji, T.; Lu, Y.; Wang, S.; Environmental regulations and international trade: A quantitative economic analysis of world pollution emissions,Journal of Public Economics, 2021, 203: 104521.

2.Bond, E.W.;Duan, Y.; Ji, T.; Lu, Y.; Trade and welfare effects of export tax: Theory and evidence from China's incomplete export VAT rebate.Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2023, 214: 542-560.

3.Duan, Y.; Yan, B.; Has processing trade made China's exports cleaner? A regional level analysis,Energy Economics, 2021, 96: 105150.

4.Duan, Y.; Yan, B.; Economic gains and environmental losses from international trade: A decomposition of pollution intensity in China's value-added trade.Energy Economics, 2019, 83: 540-554.

5.Zhang, Z.;Duan, Y.; Zhang, W.; Economic gains and environmental costs from China's exports: Regional inequality and trade heterogeneity.Ecological Economics, 2019, 164.

6.Yan, B.;Duan, Y.; Wang, S.; China's emissions embodied in exports: How regional and trade heterogeneity matter.Energy Economic,2020, 87, 104479.

7.Duan, Y.; Ji, T.; Yu, T.; Reassessing Pollution Heaven Effect in Global Value Chains.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 284: 124705.

8.Duan, Y.; Dietzenbacher, E.; Los, B.; Dai, R.; Regional inequality in China during its rise as a giant exporter: A value chain analysis.Journal of Regional Science, 2023, 63(1): 148-172.

9.Duan, Y.; Ji, T.; Mei, D.; Tariff Costs Embodied in Product Prices: A Dynamic Analysis from Global Value Chain Perspective,Economic Systems Research, 2021, 33(1): 88-113.

10.Duan, Y.; Dietzenbacher, E.; Los, B.; Yang, C.; How much did China's emergence as “the world's factory” contribute to its national income?China Economic Review, 2021, 69, 101658.

11.Duan, Y.; Jiang, X.; Dietzenbacher, E.; Chen, X.; Yang, C.; Why has China'svertical specialization decline?Economic Systems Research, 2018, 30(2):178-200.

12.Duan, Y.; Jiang, X.; Temporal change of China’s pollution terms of trade and its determinants.Ecological Economics, 2017, 132: 31-44.

13.Duan, Y.; Jiang, X.; Visualizing the change of embodied CO2 emissions along global production chains.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 194:499-514.

14.Duan, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Jakob, de H.; Exchange Rate Pass-through in China: A Cost-Push Input-Output Price Model,Open Economies Review, 2020, 31(3):513-528.

15.Jiang, X.;Duan, Y.; Green, C.; Regional disparity in energy intensity of China and the role of industrial and export structure,Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2017, 120: 209–218.

16.Duan, Y.; Yang, C.; Zhu, K.; Chen, X.; Does domestic value added induced by China’s exports really belong to China?China & World Economy, 2012, 20, 83-102.

17.Chen, X.; Cheng, L.; Fung, K.; Lau, L.; Sung, Y.; Yang, C.; Zhu, K.; Pei, J.;Duan, Y.; Domestic value added and employment generated by Chinese exports: A Quantitative Estimation.China Economic Review, 2012, 23, 850-864.


1.International Input-Output Institute Sir Richard Stone Prize (The first award for a Chinese scholar).

2.Pu Shan Award for Distinguished Paper.

3.Thethirdprize for outstanding paper of the 22nd Anzijie International Trade Research Award.