
【 发布日期:2021-10-12 】


一、课程名称:《International Business and Emerging Markets》(20学时)

二、课程时间:2021年10月16日 下午12:30—17:30   晚18:30—22:00          2021年10月17日 下午12:30—17:30   晚18:30—22:00



Module description

This module introduces both theoretical frameworks and the practical application of international business and emerging markets. It focuses on both international entrepreneurial venture and emerging market multinational enterprises (EMNEs). The overall aim is to obtain a holistic as well as nuanced global perspective related to international business and emerging markets. The module will therefore explore the development of international entrepreneurial ventures and EMNEs that are congruent with the global business environment and emerging market characteristics. This is then developed into an understanding of key factors and levers to enable international business in and out of emerging markets.  Essentially the module comprises important themes: emerging markets firms going global, born-global firms, international entrepreneurship, and innovation in emerging markets.

Module outcomes

By the end of the module students should be able to:

· Demonstrate a critical understanding of the key concepts, theories and issues in international business and emerging markets, with a focus on the analysis of the global business environment in which international business operate

· Critically evaluate and utilize key concepts and theories in understanding contemporary issues in international business and emerging markets and apply them to practice

· Demonstrate a holistic and comprehensive understanding of the stages of international entrepreneurial processes facing the entrepreneur

· Critically appraise the opportunities and barriers to international business and emerging markets and the strategic decisions necessary to ensure the growth of international firms

Outline of this module

This module will be structured according to the following topics. Students are encouraged to read the relevant readings before attending the class. We will also use case studies and short video clips to discuss different topics surrounding international entrepreneurship. Active participation in the class is important.

Session 1: introduction to international business and emerging markets

Session 2: emerging market firms venturing into advanced economies

Session 3: Chinese cross-border M&As and integration management

Session 4: knowledge management and Chinese M&As

Session 5: international talent management

Session 6: born-global firms in emerging markets

Session 7: innovation in emerging markets

Session 8: returnee entrepreneurship

Session 9: regional entrepreneurship and global business incubation

Session 10: institutions and emerging markets

Delivery methods & method of assessment

· Lecture and case studies

· Team presentation

Recommended text and research books for background reading include:

Wang, H. & Liu, Y. (eds) (2016) Entrepreneurship and Talent Management from a Global Perspective: Global Returnees. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Liu, Y. (2019). Research Handbook of International Talent Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Reading list (indicative)

Collinson, S., & Liu, Y. 2019. Recombination for Innovation: Performance Outcomes from International Partnerships in China. R&D Management, 49(1): 46-63.

Glaister, A. J., Liu, Y., Sahadev, S., & Gomes, E. 2014. Externalizing, internalizing and fostering commitment: The case of born-global firms in emerging economies. Management international review, 54(4): 473-496.

Liu, Y. 2017. Born global firms’ growth and collaborative entry mode: the role of transnational entrepreneurs. International Marketing Review, 34(1): 46-67.

Liu, Y. 2020a. Contextualizing risk and building resilience: returnees versus local entrepreneurs in China. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 69(2): 415-443.

Liu, Y. 2020b. The micro-foundations of global business incubation: Stakeholder engagement and strategic entrepreneurial partnerships. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 161: 120294.

Liu, Y., & Almor, T. 2016. How culture influences the way entrepreneurs deal with uncertainty in inter-organizational relationships: The case of returnee versus local entrepreneurs in China. International Business Review, 25(1): 4-14.

Liu, Y., Collinson, S., Cooper, C., & Baglieri, D. 2021a. International business, innovation and ambidexterity: A micro-foundational perspective. International Business Review, Available online 12 April 2021: 101852.

Liu, Y., & Huang, Q. 2018. University capability as a micro-foundation for the Triple Helix model: The case of China. Technovation, 76-77(August–September): 40-50.

Liu, Y., & Meyer, K. E. 2020. Boundary spanners, HRM practices, and reverse knowledge transfer: The case of Chinese cross-border acquisitions. Journal of World Business, 55(2): 100958.

Liu, Y., & Vrontis, D. 2017. Emerging markets firms venturing into advanced economies: The role of context. Thunderbird International Business Review, 59(3): 255-261.

Liu, Y., Vrontis, D., Visser, M., Stokes, P., Smith, S., Moore, N., Thrassou, A., & Ashta, A. 2021b. Talent management and the HR function in cross-cultural mergers and acquisitions: The role and impact of bi-cultural identity. Human Resource Management Review, 31(3): 100744.

Zhang, X., Liu, Y., Tarba, S. Y., & Del Giudice, M. 2020. The micro-foundations of strategic ambidexterity: Chinese cross-border M&As, Mid-View thinking and integration management. International Business Review, 29(6): 101710.


刘毅鹏教授,博士生导师,英国雷丁大学亨利商学院,中国管理与全球商务研究中心创始主任,管理组织学教授。曾任中央财经大学讲席教授,英国伯明翰大学创业与区域经济系研究主任。获德国曼海姆大学管理学博士学位。欧盟高级管理教育研究所特邀教授,丹麦奥胡斯大学访问教授,欧洲商务研究所中国区主任。美国哥伦比亚大学访问学者,美国巴布森大学访问教授。刘教授在世界多所著名学府和商学院授课,积累丰富的教学研究经验。学术成果在国际著名国际商务和管理学SSCI期刊发表50余篇,包括Human Resource Management, Journal of World Business, British Journal of Management等。最新著作国际人才管理研究Research Handbook of International Talent Management(Edward Elgar, 2019)。刘教授具有丰富的管理咨询和风险投资经验,咨询服务企业包括德国博世,德国电信,德国西门子,海德堡印刷机,费森医疗等。给多家科技型创新企业担任顾问。咨询领域专长:企业成长战略和组织设计,创新创业和创业生态系统,人才管理,企业国际化战略,跨国并购及并购后整合管理。




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