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    民心相通结硕果,国际校友有话说|留学生校友谈发展(9)Adjusting to life at work from studying abroad at CUFE

    【 发布日期:2023-11-03 】

    Adjusting to life at work from studying abroad at CUFE

    —2021届国际商务专业硕士留学生 卡特琳娜(智利)

    My name is Catalina Meza, I am an Electrical Engineer from Chile and since 2021, a proud graduate of the International Business Master from CUFE.

    Nowadays, I am living in England, working as a Network Development Transformation Manager for one of the best Electrical Transmission Companies in the world, National Grid. I oversee the delivery of a diverse portfolio of engineering, technology and capability transformation activities, that will allow the company to cope with the increase workload of the energy transition that is taking place inthe world.

    All the knowledge acquired from the master’s degree in CUFE were key to reach to this position. Not only for the solid academic foundation, but for the great teachers that were part of program, leading us to learn and understand the businesses with an international and multicultural perspective. Part of the program was to learn mandarin, and I have to say that this is one of the most important tools that I have at my disposition. Mandarin has helped me to communicate with colleagues, industry partners, suppliers, and clients. I am not going to lie, it was indeed challenging, since I didn’t have any prior studies of this language, but between the great lessons and the immersive experience of living in Beijing, I reached my HSK 3 level. Currently I had continued my studies, and I am preparing to take HSK 4 next year.

    On the other hand, the university open its doors to an extensive and diverse number of international students, given you the opportunity to expand your network and learn about other countries and cultures. I can happily say that I met some of my greatest lasting friends in CUFE.

    Of course, my generation lived challenging times with the COVID pandemic, but the University keptus safe, without neglecting our studies. At this point, all the memories that I have from that time are associated with a safety feeling gloom.

    I really enjoyed my time in China, the history, the culture, the food, the people, the sights, were absolutely stimulating, and I can not wait to come back again.

    Thank you so much CUFE for everything!




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